Number 19: The Go! Team "Thunder, Lightening, Strike"

The Go! Team is a six-person, genre-bending group that burst onto the UK scene a couple years ago with a series of wildly popular EPs. Blending elements of the absurd with infectiously catchy hooks and add a pinch of drama (a legal battle that delayed the release of their full length debut in the US), it should come as no surprise that bloggers took to the band in the way they did.
But the hype is well worth it. Thunder, Lightning, Strike is a joyous celebration of music that mixes genres like it isn't a thing. 70s soul/funk, underground hip-hop, sonic indie rock, cheerleading chants, dancey electronica, sunny Americana, and even European chamber music all blend together seemlessly into a cohesive sound that is interesting, challenging, and fun all at the same time.
How is that possible? "We Just Won't Be Defeated," a new addition to the US release, features cheerleaders chanting over a deep soul groove accentuated by the punchiest brass hook written since Stevie Wonder's heyday. Another track, "Get It Together," has a recorder, xylophone, electronic drums, and scratching... not to mention "boring stuff" like guitars that I won't even mention. As odd as it sounds, it somehow all works together magically.
Thunder, Lightning, Strike is like Where's Waldo: clever, a little tongue in cheek, incredibly addictive, and it'll remind you of your childhood. Unlike Where's Waldo, it'll make you dance for days.
Check out: "We Just Can't Be Defeated"
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